About Wild Game Wine

About us…
Guy and myself have over 50 years of combined experience in the viticulture industry, and for almost two decades have grown our own fruit in world-renowned Coonawarra.
We are both passionate about sustainable winegrowing and our vineyards in Coonawarra are proudly biologically farmed.
The fruit our small vineyard produced was too good to sell, so we enlisted the help of our good friend and exceptional winemaker Peter Douglas to turn it into wine – and our friends and family eagerly reaped the benefits of his labour.
However, it was not until 2012 we decided to take the plunge and legitimise our business. Wild Game Wine was born with our first cabernet sauvignon release "The Duke". Today we have expanded our range - all of which are available for tasting at our Cellar Door and Wine Bar in Naracoorte, online and through selected stockists.
We named our label Wild Game because our beautiful farm in the north east corner of Coonawarra with it’s large, natural swamp, is flanked by forest and National Park, so wild game are a constant presence. (Some people, however, think that it was inspired by the fact that Guy was a bit wild, and I was game to take him on…)
All of the animals depicted on our labels – deer, ducks, pheasants and fish have been seen on the farm at some stage or another.
Our endeavour has been well worth it, we love meeting new faces in our Cellar Door and believe our biological farming practices not only deliver exceptional fruit quality but have real environmental benefits.
Feel free to get in touch with us.
Mary and Guy Stratford
More about Mary ...
Mary worked in vineyards in the 1990s to help fund her initial university studies in agriculture and also fuelled an interest in the wine industry. This interest then led her to study a Bachelor of Viticultural Science whilst working in Coonawarra, and upon graduation she then started her own consultancy business.
More about Guy ...
Guy’s love of farming saw him working on farms in South Australia before studying Farm Management in Victoria and then the UK. He now keeps himself (extremely) busy managing both our own farms and vineyards along with contract farm and vineyard management throughout the South East of South Australia.

About our winemaker, Peter Douglas …
Peter Douglas rose to fame in the winemaking world whilst working as a senior winemaker with Wynn’s Coonawarra Estate in the 1980s. He also gained international recognition with vintages in Bordeaux, Napa Valley, Sicily, Tunisia and Puglia before returning back home to Coonawarra.
Peter is passionate about Coonawarra and specifically its cabernet sauvignon, as he continues to cement its place as one of the greatest region/variety matches in the world.